BPT Network Structure and Algorithm
Network Decentralized Structure (Network Architecture):
The BPT Service adopts a client-server model as its basis. Clients send requests to the service, and the server processes those requests and provides responses. This model allows users to easily access the service, and service providers to efficiently manage the service through a centralized infrastructure. BPT Service also adopts a distributed network architecture, where distributed nodes communicate and cooperate with each other to provide the service, rather than a centralized one. This reduces the risk of single points of failure and increases the stability and reliability of the network.
Off-chain Algorithm:
The BPT Service uses several different algorithms. For the management of user-uploaded ideas and patents, we use algorithms associated with traditional databases, which help us to manage and search the database efficiently.
On-chain Algorithm:
In the case of contracts where major events occur, blockchain technology is used, and event algorithms are used to distribute and execute Ethereum smart contracts. Algorithms used to process transactions or manage data results are designed according to the purpose and requirements of the service. Since such information is very sensitive to forgery, it is implemented with variable transaction type algorithms such as execution of orders, transfer of assets, and payment processing.
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