BPT System Architecture

The BPT Service must provide functions such as allowing users to upload various ideas and patents, participate in contests, manage them within the platform, and get rewards. It may also include trading NFTized ideas and patents and processing payments. Below is the architecture of the BPT service.

Front end

Provide a web- or app-based user interface (UI)

Users can upload and manage ideas and patents through this interface.

Users can participate in contests, check rewards, explore and trade NFT products

Back end

Process and store users' data, ideas, and patent information (server logic implementation)

Manage user-uploaded ideas and patents

Handle reward calculation and payout distribution business logic

Blockchain interface

Interact with Ethereum Blockchain

Implement an interface to deploy and execute smart contracts

NFTize and trade ideas and patents and process reward transactions


Store data such as user information, ideas, patents, transaction history, etc.

Use a relational database (RDBMS) or NoSQL database

Cloud Infrastructure

Build AWS cloud infrastructure for service reliability and scalability

Security and Authentication

Apply SSL authentication, data encryption security technology to secure user data

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